Further Study for Critical Race Theory

What is the Need to Look into the

Ideas of this Day and Age?

I Chronicles 12:32

And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.

Our day is the day of individualism and as such is the result of competition for belief. School systems have had a radical shift within less than a decade, let alone a century. Worldviews matter because what you believe will affect how you live your life.

Daily, precious people, made in the image of God, are committing themselves to lies because they are in search of meaning and purpose - only to waste their lives bound in deception unto their own damnation. The Church holds the answer, God has established His people, the Body of Christ, as the Pillar and Ground of the Truth (I Timothy 3:15).

Only one of these many worldviews is in discussion today. Really, it is just a branch of the much larger tree of Postmodernism. However, I suggest and invite you to read some of the following sources to learn about this very militant, prevalent ideology.

Resources on Critical Race Theory

Book and Author Recommendations

• Fault Lines* - Voddie Baucham
• Fire in the Streets* - Doug Groothuis
• Canceling Christianity - David Fiorazo
• Intellectuals and Society - Thomas Sowell
• Social Justice Fallacies - Thomas Sowell
• Black Rednecks and White Liberals - Thomas Sowell
• Race Marxism*- James Lindsay
• Cynical Theories - Helen Pluckrose and James Lindsay

Pro Critical Race Theory Books and Authors

  • Critical Race Theory: an Introduction* - Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic

  • How to be an Anti-Racist - Ibram X. Kendi

  • Is Everyone Really Equal*- Robin DiAngelo and Ozlem Sansoy

  • White Fragility - Robin DiAngelo
    *See noted books for further resources.

God forbid the people of God be without understanding of the subtle philosophies that so entrench the world and are contrary to the Truth of God. God forbid that His people would be without understanding of the times that we would be ignorant of what to do. May we know the depths of the Truth of God that we may recognize and cast down every imagination and high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

Unto His Glory,

Nicholas A. Gilbert


Restoration vs. Remnant


The Attestation of Scripture